Ministry of Agricutlure fisheries department annual report 2015Ministry of Agricutlure fisheries department annual report 2015
Fisheries Department during the reporting period of January 1st to December 31st, 2015. It also describes the achievements of the Department, and provides relevant information
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Climate change impacts on the water cycle, resources and qualityClimate change impacts on the water cycle, resources and quality
International workshop on Climate Change Impacts on the Water Cycle, Resources and Quality
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A aac  Arctic Athabaskan Council (aac). AasiaatA aac  Arctic Athabaskan Council (aac). Aasiaat
The total population is around 3,500, hereof 200 in the town. The fishing industry is the most important sources of revenue. Besides the town houses a gymnasium and several other schools
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Queensland Careers News Newsletter Monday 21stQueensland Careers News Newsletter Monday 21st
Senior students can experience being a Science, Environment, Engineering or Technology university student for a day, including participating in a lecture, tutorial and laboratory
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Concept and indicators of development topic no. 1 DevelopmentConcept and indicators of development topic no. 1 Development
Development means a progression from a simpler or lower to a more advanced, mature, or complex form or stage. It is also defined as the gradual advancement or growth through a series of progressive changes
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Press Release • For Immediate Release a new Chapter in Excellence Chery Jaguar Land Rover Dazzles at Auto Guangzhou 2016Press Release • For Immediate Release a new Chapter in Excellence Chery Jaguar Land Rover Dazzles at Auto Guangzhou 2016
In 2016, Chery Jaguar Land Rover has managed to localise Jaguar brand in China, ushering in a new stage of dual-brand operation. Locally-produced nameplates are widely recognised by Chinese customers
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A refreshed strategy for the visitor economyA refreshed strategy for the visitor economy
Dr Russell’s book on the benefits of seawater, to the Prince Regent and his fashionable entourage. Through the arrival of the railway and the development of Victorian piers, hotels
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Hamayoon Khan Development Foundation hkdf brief Profile Name of the OrganizationHamayoon Khan Development Foundation hkdf brief Profile Name of the Organization
Work for youth development and to support in creating an environment which would facilitate them to show, utilize and possibly polish their skills and talent in the best possible manner
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Baltic 21 Input to Chapter 3 Strategic Projects of the second draft of the bsr interreg programme 2007-2013Baltic 21 Input to Chapter 3 Strategic Projects of the second draft of the bsr interreg programme 2007-2013
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26 November 2013, Brussels26 November 2013, Brussels
Celebrating the first year of implementation of the joint Baltic Sea research and the selection of the first bonus projects: eur 27 million for research on viable ecosystem of the Baltic Sea
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Social developmentSocial development
Unesco´s follow-up activities to the World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen 1995”
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Decision Latin American and the Caribbean Initiative for Sustainable Development: Moving together towards a Sustainable FutureDecision Latin American and the Caribbean Initiative for Sustainable Development: Moving together towards a Sustainable Future
Xx meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean
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Introduction and Proposed Goals and Targets on Sustainable Development for the Post2015 Development AgendaIntroduction and Proposed Goals and Targets on Sustainable Development for the Post2015 Development Agenda
Poverty eradication is the greatest global challenge facing the world today and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. We are therefore committed to freeing humanity from poverty and hunger as a matter of urgency
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Statement by the most honourable portia simpson miller prime minister of jamaicaStatement by the most honourable portia simpson miller prime minister of jamaica
We have every confidence in the strong leadership of Brazil in steering this conference to a successful conclusion. You can be assured of the full cooperation of Jamaica in achieving this objective
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Introduction to the proposal of the open working group for sustainable development goalsIntroduction to the proposal of the open working group for sustainable development goals
Sustainable development goals for consideration and appropriate action by the General Assembly at its 68th session. It also provided the basis for their conceptualization
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